Post more Police Personnel to the Central Region- DCOP Amenyo

The Central Regional Police Commander, DCOP Alexander Kwami Amenyo has appealed for more Police Personnel and Service drivers to the Central Region to improve on security in the region.
He mentioned inadequate Patrol vehicles for highway operations, logistics and divisional Commanders official vehicles as major hindrance to the police in the Region.
DCOP Kwami Amenyo made this appeal at the first General Council meeting by the Central Regional Coordinating Council for the year 2022.
The Central Regional Co-ordinating Council(CRCC) led by the Regional Miniater, Justina Marigold Assan met with Heads of Departments, Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executives(MMDCEs) to deliberate on the region’s progress.
DCOP Kwami Amenyo stressed that “remedial measures have been put in place to ensure safety and security within the region. Hence, day and night patrol duties at targeted locations”.
According to the Regional Police Commander, the collaborative effort with other security agencies has seen drastic reduction of incidence of crime in the Central Region.
“The entire citizenry is therfore assured of safe environment in the region and are encouraged to go about their day-to-day activities”, DCOP Amenyo assured.
He maintained that Day and night patrol teams are deployed in the residential areas to prevent burglary and break-ins when workers are left for work.
“So far, there is no record of jihadists or terrorist attack or planned insurgency in the Central Region and for that matter within the Cape Coast Metropolis. However, what is mostly required now is the awareness creation on the issue of terrorism in the society” he stated.
In view of this, the Regional Commander therefore encouraged the public to be observant and report suspicious characters in their various areas to the police for necessary interventions and redress.
On her part, the Central Regional Minister Justina Marigold Assan extended her sincere appreciation to MMDAs, Regional House of Chiefs, heads of departments and agencies, non-state actors and all stakeholders who have made and continue to make significant contributions to the progress of the region.
Source: Gordon.